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 The Pillows : Hybrid Rainbow

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modo sympa mais mord si cela ne va pas
modo sympa mais mord si cela ne va pas

Nombre de messages : 1297
Localisation : Devant mon pc
Emploi/loisirs : Héros-sans-emploi
Humeur : Yatta !
Date d'inscription : 21/07/2008

The Pillows : Hybrid Rainbow Empty
MessageSujet: The Pillows : Hybrid Rainbow   The Pillows : Hybrid Rainbow Icon_minitimeSam 18 Oct - 13:21

The Pillows : Hybrid Rainbow

Paroles (traduites en anglais) :

A nearly desolated, seemingly empty island
It's not on any map, it has no name
Though yesterday the ship of dreams came near
It did not come to meet us

Mesmerized by the sun, I'm a little burned
Though I raise my prism to the sky

Can you feel?
Can you feel that hybrid rainbow?
Even we who were not chosen yesterday
Are waiting for tomorrow

Nearly shrivelled up, our airship
Skims across the ground

Its color is beyond description
The birds will peck it remorselessly

Can you feel?
Can you feel that hybrid rainbow?
We can still go farther
Farther than this

Can you feel?
Can you feel that hybrid rainbow?
I want to believe we're on our way
I can feel
I can feel that hybrid rainbow
Even we who were not chosen yesterday
Still have tomorrow
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The Pillows : Hybrid Rainbow
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