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 take a piece of my soul

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Nombre de messages : 1953
Age : 36
Localisation : Saint-arnoult
Emploi/loisirs : etudiante en chimie
Humeur : cool
Date d'inscription : 19/07/2008

take a piece of my soul Empty
MessageSujet: take a piece of my soul   take a piece of my soul Icon_minitimeMar 23 Déc - 17:58

take a piece of my soul
album : piece of my soul

Saw you walkin' down the street
On a rainy day
Wearin' a feather in your hair
So I had to say hi, hey hey
And the man In the multicolored rainbow suit
Came up to you and gave you a balloon
That's right, what a day
Then I held you near Whispered in your ear
Take a piece of my soul
I give it to you
So make it your home
Take a piece of my heart
One thing you can't do Is tear it apart
This piece of my heart
Round and round The world it turns Like a carousel
And my heart still burns
4u today
And days turn into nights
And nights turn into days
That's the way of the world
It's true they say
When I see you sleepin' I think that I'm dreamin'
so Take a piece of my soul
I give it to you So make it your home
Take a piece of my heart
One thing you can't do
Is tear it apart This piece of my heart No matter what we do
We'll always be together me and you
Take a piece of my soul I give it to you
So make it your home
Take a piece of my heart
One thing you can't do
Is tear it apart
This piece of my heart
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take a piece of my soul
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