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 the little things give you away

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Nombre de messages : 1953
Age : 36
Localisation : Saint-arnoult
Emploi/loisirs : etudiante en chimie
Humeur : cool
Date d'inscription : 19/07/2008

the little things give you away Empty
MessageSujet: the little things give you away   the little things give you away Icon_minitimeSam 22 Nov - 20:25

The Little Things Give You Away
Album : minutes to midnight

Water creeps
Through the windows, up the stairs

Chilling rain
Like an ocean everywhere

Don't wanna reach for me do you
I mean nothin to you
The little things give you away

And now there will be no mistakin
The levees are breakin

All you've ever wanted
Was someone to truly look up to you

And six feet under water
[End Chorus]

Hope decays
Generations disappear

Washed away
As a nation simply stares

Don't wanna reach for me do you
I mean nothin to you
The little things give you away

But there will be no mistakin
The levees are breakin

All you've ever wanted
Was someone to truly look up to you

And six feet under water

All you've ever wanted
Was someone to truly look up to you

And six feet under ground now
Now I do
[End Chorus]

[Brad's Guitar Solo]

Little things give you away
Little things give you away
Little things give you away
Little things give you away
Little things give you away

(Little things give you away)

All you've ever wanted
Was someone to truly look up to you

(Little things give you away)

All you've ever wanted
Was someone to truly look up to you

(Little things give you away)

All you've ever wanted
Was someone to truly look up to you

(Little things give you away)

All you've ever wanted
Was someone to truly look up to you

(Little things give you away)

All you've ever wanted
Was someone to truly look up to you

(Little things give you away)

All you've ever wanted
Was someone to truly look up to you

(Little things give you away)

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the little things give you away
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