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 Stand up

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Nombre de messages : 1953
Age : 36
Localisation : Saint-arnoult
Emploi/loisirs : etudiante en chimie
Humeur : cool
Date d'inscription : 19/07/2008

Stand up Empty
MessageSujet: Stand up   Stand up Icon_minitimeMar 23 Déc - 17:52

Stand up
album : piece of my soul

Dream yourself awake
Can't make it through the night
Wicked dreams will haunt you When the morning light shines
You try to find your way outside
Just another day
Try to let them shine
But people disappoint you
Makes you wonder why
You try you
Can almost see the end of you
So come on stand up
Yeah put your hands up
It ain't wrong to be strong
Then it's gonna be gone
And then it won't come back to you
No no no
Now wake up
Try not to break up
If they're holding you down then you rise to the top
Cause your a bad bad girl and you just can't stop
Give yourself a break and listen to your heart
Let your conscience guide you never let your guard down
Find out the best of you
Everything you do and what is done to you
It doesn't have to change you
It only makes you stronger and stronger
The more they take away from you
You won't lead no beggar's life
And you sure don't need their bad advice
Or their five cents worth of what they think of you
sometimes they're not so in to you
Keep your head above that line
You know everybody loses sometimes
shame shame shame
The things they've done to you So come on stand up
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